This week

If you were at plfc last night, you will know that Peter Mlira (the student we are currently sponsoring at EBCOM) was saved through teaching on Psalm 139:7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? Isn’t it amazing how such a statement can strike fear in the […]

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Today – Friday

Where does the time go to??? It seems impossible that it is Friday already and still so much that must be done. The heater spares haven’t yet arrived – if they do hopefully the heaters will both be working for Sunday, otherwise we’re down to one – just as well it’s turned a little warmer! […]

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Today – Weds

OK, so yesterday was a very muddled and ‘bitty’ day. I seemed to be upstairs, downstairs, taking heaters apart, writing Bible Study notes, and in the end, despite numerous good intentions, the one thing I didn’t do was put anything up on this blog! Anyway…much got done, the Alzheimers Society had their open session in […]

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Today – Monday

I think, like many pastors, that Monday mornings are always hard. Unlike in secular work it certainly isn’t the shock to the system of the first day of the week back at work – that happened yesterday. Rather it is the dip following a day of ministry and the attendant spiritual warfare and challenges that […]

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Today – Friday

Hi again, Sorry this is late. Have finished going through the child protection with Katie this morning which is great as she will now be able to help us in creche etc. This afternoon I need to finish Sunday PM message, PM Powerpoint and the notes for AM and PM and then hopefully do one […]

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Today – Thursday

Hi all, This morning we had our weekly Coffee Morning, after which I was able to do Bible Study with a couple of youngsters, followed by our weekly admin meeting with Sue and Suzi. At the moment I’m making some updates to the website (it’s amazing how quickly anything gets out of date!). This afternoon […]

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Today – Wednesday

Good day yesterday – achieved most of what was planned plus a couple of extra things. Message finished for Church Night but need some additional bits done for that, plus some more work on website and look into how we might bst produce some leaflets that we need for advertising events. After that, if the […]

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Today – Tuesday

Have just met with Michele to run through what she and Andy are planning for the kids at Easter – it all looks really great! For the rest of the day – OK, I;ll admit it the rotas still aren’t done – so they are priority number 1. Then work on Weds night’s Bible Study, […]

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Today – Monday

I can hear the kids in Music Mayhem downstairs producing their music! Meanwhile my goals for today are: > Enter forthcoming service details for the next 6 weeks into database for website display > Get Sunday AM message done > Get preaching and leading rotas done > Deal with all outstanding emails and post > […]

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This week

The snow has finally arrived properly!!! When are conditions too bad to worship and serve God? I remember many years ago reading a missionary magazine and coming across a picture of a teenage boy standing outside of a church in some Eastern European country. He was wearing a reasonably good jacket and had gloves on […]

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