Visit by Frank Brearley

Spent Sunday at plfc for visit by Frank Brearley from NTM. Great to spend the day with him and to find out much more about NTM. Frank preached both morning and evening and on both occassions the message was extremely good. Praise the Lord for such men who have given their lives to the ministry […]

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Getting ready to go!

Guide book to the Peddlars Way and Norfolk Coast Path arrived today – looks like a great book (provided that the info in it proves to be correct!), in fact if I hadn’t already purchased the maps for the walk I wouldn’t now bother as the book has strips of the 1:25000 Explorer OS maps […]

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North Norfolk Coastal Path

We’re praying for good weather for at least the first few days of the Sabbatical as the plan is to attempt the North Norfolk Coastal path. 45 miles long, it runs from Cromer to Hunstanton (or vice-versa). Running closely along the shoreline for much of the way it promises to be excellent for bird watching […]

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