Today – Friday

Hi again, As, once again, we come to the end of the working week, it’s great to se how God has, as always, provided His sufficiency in all of the diversity of challenges the week has held. All that NEEDS to do now (obviously there is always much more one would like to do) is […]

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Today – Tuesday

As this is now the third really busy week on a run I’m wondering if the Lord is trying to teach me something through it?! If so, then the thing that comes across yet again is the wonderful sufficiency of His grace every day! Don’t you love it where Paul writes 2Co 12:9 But he […]

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Today – Monday

What a beautiful day! Crisp white snow – I’m always immediately reminded of Isaiah 1:18 Isa “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” – I’m glad I’ve seen snow! […]

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This week

Again this is looking to be a very busy week – in addition to the regular Weds Church Night and two services on Sudnay to prepare for, I’ve been asked to take the Coffee Morning at Soham on Thurs (please pray for Suzie as she takes the slot in our Coffee Morning at the same […]

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Today – Friday

Firstly, I’ve found where I am going wrong with setting up posts to be published automatically first thing the next day – I wasn’t doing anything wrong. They simply get published when the first person accesses the blog after the time and date specified, so it was just that I was checking them before anyone […]

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Today – Thurs

AM – we have our weekly Coffee Morning. Look at the news this week will focus on a story of a family who escaped death in a wldfire in Tasmania by hiding under a jetty in the water for 3 hours – what a picutre of the protection that is given against the fires of […]

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AM – due to meet with someone for one2one Bible study and finish getting ready for two services on Sunday + item for Coffee Morning. PM – need to get Bible Study prepared for this evening and also have an Elders Meeting with David. Hopefully I might also get the message and Order of Service […]

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Yesterday was very busy, and due to various unexpected meetings I didn’t get as much done as I had intended on the routine work, today I’ve already had some more meetings, and am doing some necessary chauffeuring this afternoon. I have managed to get both sermons done for this coming Sunday – God always amaze […]

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Sorry, it’s 11:42 and I’m only just putting up today’s blog. Already had one important meeting, and now hoping to get the Inland Revenue paperwork done, deal with outstanding emails, sort out the outline for both sermons this coming Sunday before doing two further visits. Many thanks to all who will commit this to the […]

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This week

Once again this promises to be a very busy week. In addition to the usual preparation for two Sunday services, midweek Church Night and Coffee Morning, we have a Thanksgiving service on Friday afternoon, the quarterly Inland Revenue paperwork needs to be done and there are a list of important visits to be made. So […]

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