Psalm 148 is not a long Psalm (just 14 verses) and it has but one focus, but what a glorious focus it is – that everyone and everything should praise God!
The word “all” actually occurs 10 times (ESV) in this Psalm as the writer insists that not only should God’s praise come from all categories of thing (both alive and inanimate) but from all of every category – all His angels, all stars, all hills, all peoples and so on.
Friend, herein lies the greatest sin, for anything or anyone to withhold the praise that is due His name. Scripture makes clear that the created world gives it, but it is within the category of man that it is mainly withheld. So lets look at v11-13a
Psa 148:11 Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth!
Psa 148:12 Young men and maidens together, old men and children!
Psa 148:13 Let them praise the name of the LORD….
See firstly that it covers all class of person – Kings, prices, rulers, but also all peoples. There is no-one who is excused failing to praise God because of their position or because of their status. Neither is anyone excused because of their sex or age – young men and maidens, old men and children!
God has created all and so all must bring Him the praise due His name and yet, like Eve, we all choose rather to find reason to think of ourselves as God, rather than worship the one who is God.
Friend, this is surely the most important truth for our fractured world to learn, we are not autonomous, none of us has any absolute rights, none of us stands above the place of getting down on our knees daily and worshiping the One who made us and sustains us and one day will call us to stand before Him in judgment.
And for the Christian there is this and so much more – Psa 148:14 He has raised up a horn for his people, praise for all his saints, for the people of Israel who are near to him. Praise the LORD!
He has raised up a horn (Jesus Christ) for US! and that is to be the eternal source of “praise for all His saints” (note ALL His saints)
Friend, is it your daily joy to praise God as your creator and the Creator of all, but even more – as the Redeemer of the elect?