1 Cor 15:4a “That He was buried”

As Christians we are hopefully very familiar with what happened on Good Friday and likewise with the events of Easter Sunday; but what about what happened on the Saturday in between?

I love creedal statements that down through the centuries have helped Christians to understand, remember and live by the essential truths of the gospel. Such statements go right back to the church in New Testament days. Most used today have come into existence since and in some churches form a regular part of worship. The only problem with such statements of faith is that unless they come directly from scripture they can be wrong and occasionally are.

The Apostles Creed for the most part is one of those wonderful creedal statements that have helped millions understand and learn biblical truth; however there is one line in it which is wrong. Most creeds were written and approved by a single church council, but this creed developed over some 550 years (from 200A.D. to 750A.D.) and during that many variations came into being and were used (we know today of 11). Only one that is known of during that period had those words in it with the meaning that Jesus actually went down into hell (as opposed to into the grave) and that was not written until 650A.D.

Therefore it is perhaps surprising (and very disappointing) that when these many versions were finally pulled together into a final definitive creed in 750 A.D. they chose to keep the phrase “he descended into hell” in it – “Was dead and buried. He descended into hell. The third He rose again”

And from that creed has grown up a common idea that Christ did in fact descend into hell between His death on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter Sunday. But that is simply not what the Bible teaches.

Firstly, Jesus made a promise to the repentant thief there on the cross:

Luk 23:43 And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

The promise is as clear as it is simple – today (Good Friday) following the death of Jesus, His spirit would not descend into hell but rather ascend to paradise (heaven) and the thief’s spirit likewise.

And then we have the words of Jesus immediately before His death:

Luk 23:46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.

Again it is clear, His spirit is to ascend into His Father’s presence in heaven above.

So…where was Jesus (the man) between His death and resurrection? His body was buried in the tomb awaiting His resurrection, but His spirit, His soul, was alive and well in the presence of the Father in heaven above, even as ours will be when we die whilst we await our resurrection bodies!

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