This week

If you were at plfc last night, you will know that Peter Mlira (the student we are currently sponsoring at EBCOM) was saved through teaching on Psalm 139:7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
Isn’t it amazing how such a statement can strike fear in the heart of the unsaved and drive them to Christ, and yet once saved, that same verse can bring such deep comfort and assurance?

After the service, two young ladies shared how, independantly in church – one on Weds night and the other last night, they had been brought to their realisiation of their need of Chirst and had committed their lives to Him in repentance and faith. Praise God! We rejoice with them and look forward to the outworking of their new faith being evidenced in their lives in the coming days.

This week apart from the usual workload, I have a Fraternal on Tuesday which, time permitting, I would like to attend, and I’m taking a meeting for Soham Methodist church at the Soham Pavilion on Friday afternoon on the work of Operation Christmas Child. Also we hope that the heater parts promised last week will actually arrive, in which case we’ll try and get the other heater working and I’d like to get up to the two central lights and get them sorted D.V.

Yours prayers for all of this is much appreciated.

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