Today – Monday

What a beautiful day! Crisp white snow – I’m always immediately reminded of Isaiah 1:18 Isa “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” – I’m glad I’ve seen snow!

Today, God willing, my goals are to get one of the sermons prepared for Sunday, download the music for a couple of songs that we want to learn at Church Night, prepare for Soham’s Coffee Morning, and if time permits (and the weather doesn’t get a lot worse!) make visits in Ely and Littleport.

Any time over I’ll put towards planning the Assemblies for Weds – the title I’ve been given is “Going for goals” – so this is going to take a little thinking about!!!

Please pray for all of this and the ongoing work of plfc. It is your prayers that are so necessary to the success of whatever we attempt to do for our Lord!

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