Today – Weds

OK, so yesterday was a very muddled and ‘bitty’ day. I seemed to be upstairs, downstairs, taking heaters apart, writing Bible Study notes, and in the end, despite numerous good intentions, the one thing I didn’t do was put anything up on this blog!

Anyway…much got done, the Alzheimers Society had their open session in the morning, my intention of dismantalling the one broken heater expanded as I saw the state it was in inside, so in the end I’ve stripped down all 4 to clean them out and check them. Consequently I’ve now placed an order for new electrodes for each! Hopefully this will fix the one that failed as I’ve checked the other major components by switching them with the working one and all else seems to be OK.

Have notified the other churches in Isleham re: our Easter kids activity, so hopefully that may be of some interest to others.

Very interestingly first thing Monday an email arrived from an American Pastor’s support site that I signed up to some time back, they send out emails occassionaly and this one dealt with the results of a survey that the writer had done among Pastors as to the 10 things they most desired to see in their church members! It was very interesting as were the 4 pages of comments from Pastors that followed, all endorsing the list and wishing that all of their church could read it!! It actually fitted very well with some of what we looked at in 1 Titus 1:5-9 the previous morning.

Today I have a couple of important meetings scheduled, otherwise it is on with tonight’s Bible Study, plus I need to sort out how to get Serbian character set to work within our SOON Bible Label program as the latest batch they’ve sent through all have Serbian addresses!!!! and there are a few things with the plfc Finance program that I want to look at.

I realise that I’ve tended to list the ‘jobs’ that I will attempt each day and not mention prayer or personal Bible Reading. That was sort of intentional, but I realise on thinking about it that someone might misunderstand and think I don’t do those, or don’t think them important enough to warrant mentioning. It is simply that they come first every day!

As I pray for the work of plfc and of those who worship with us, I give thanks for the prayers of those who support this ministry in their prayers.

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